Wednesday, February 20, 2008


I haven't written lately because I am completely blank. The reason I am blank is because all I can think about right now is that I'M ENGAGED!

Yep, Josh proposed on Thursday. It was amazing and perfect and I was (and am) completely shocked!

So now begins the planning. Which should be fun and overwhelming but worth it. We only get to do it once, right? (we hope) so it better be good!

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Ahhh the hilarity

Read this in a survey filled out by someone tonight:

Q. Do you smoke? A. Not really, Only when I drink

Q. Do you drink? A. Every day

Friday, February 1, 2008

Friday Fill-ins!

Thanks Sarah!

1. Once, I was very very trusting of people. Now I've learned my lesson!
2. Today at work I filed a bunch of mail into a bunch of files. Fun.
3. What is Lost all about? I can't possibly suspend my reality long enough to get into it.
5. If I make a mistake I worry about it for days and days and days. I've been repeating a conversation I had with a stranger in my head for days now. I think I said something rude, but I didn't mean to.
6. When I woke up this morning, I thought "wow, my head hurts much worse than it should in a normal day"
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to seeing Josh, walking Murphy, and cleaning. and Sunday, I want to do something fun. Maybe go to March AFB or something. Get out. Get around. Get crazy. (It probably won't happen)

Firing Squad

My friend and I were having a rather random conversation last night when it got into, first, how much money would it take to make you do something gross (I won't go into that!) and second, would you rather do this or that?

The question she asked was: if you were being executed by firing squad, would you rather be killed by bow and arrow or rifle.

Everyone else I've asked has said rifle... it's quicker and more accurate.

However, I think they fail to see this scenario. You walk into the firing squad with a spare arrow stuffed down your pants. When no one is looking, you stick it in your armpit, moan in pain, and fall over "dead". This seriously will work. I have never tried it but I promise, it'll go over like margarine on toast.

That being said, I have to admit that my first theory in everything is to play dead. Every time I see someone being attacked on TV or movies, I always think to myself "well, that unfortunate situation could have been avoided had she/he/it pretended to be dead after the first punch/shot/vampire attack". Even in real life, I often wonder why people don't play dead more often. I guess I'm a dyer, not a fighter.

As an extra note: This advice doesn't work if, for example, you're being attacked by a vulture. Or anything else that consumes the already dead. Then you're just asking for it.