Tuesday, April 15, 2008

I promise to try harder

So many things are happening in my life that I abandoned my blog after only a few posts. So I shall try again....

What have I been doing whilst I was gone, you ask?

Filling out drunken surveys on Myspace, of course.
Sarah mentioned this debacle on her blog, so I decided that as my way of explaining where I've been, I'd put it here:

But alas, myspace only saves them for 10 days. Sorry kids. I promise to blog here instead of myspace, next time I'm drunk.

Other than that, been without a car, filling out applications, going to interviews, Josh has been going to interviews as well.

KU won the NCAA!! WOO HOO! We're very proud.

Sunday was my father's birthday...
he drove a race car. At a 145 mph.
Poor Josh was sick the entire time
and it was 100 degrees out, so
that part wasn't awesome.
If only we are all this healthy
and child-like in our 60s,
everything will be fine!

As far as life goals go, right now neither of us are able to fulfill any. Josh was laid off and I am unable to go to my temporary job because the car blew a gasket. So we're both on the job search train and it's going no where fast. I have decided,
I think, that my talents lie in elderly care... not
the actual care but the business/human resources
side of it, so I have been trying to get concierge/
assistant type jobs at assisted living communities.

Murph-dog is great. Just as crazy as ever. His new thing is hunting the lizards in the backyard which he stares at, and when they don't move he growls.... then barks.... the finally pounces like a cat. He's never caught one. Poor kid.