Monday, January 14, 2008

Not much to say...

I have this sick obsession with the show Intervention. For those who haven't seen it, it's about addicts, who, at the end of the documentary, are submitted to an intervention by their family and friends. One of the guys works at the Costco in San Clemente. I thought about saying, excuse me ex-drug addict, but could I have your autograph? Unless of course you have coke on your hands, then I'll pass. But seriously. That show rocks. (And I have no compassion, I know)
I also have an obsession with Bloody Marys. How can you not be, seriously? It's like a meal and alcohol all in a glass, with a lot of salt on top. Could there be anything better?
What else is on my mind? I haven't slept in 2 nights. I don't know why. I'm not so much wide awake thinking about anything, but I'm more in a trance sort of in and out of sleep, semi-concious but concious of the fact that I'm not sleeping.
After getting my car stolen, I'm "sorta" in the market for a car, although I really can't see me buying something when I'm still searching for a real, full time career. I want a sort of small SUV/cross-over type thing. I really have always liked Honda Elements, but the thing is, they are so "trendy" now that they are not cheap anymore. Stupid trends. Now I'm thinking of getting a Saturn Vue. They are nice, get a good environmental rating, and are a good size for a big (or maybe 2 big.... *crosses her fingers*) dog. I also like the new Altimas, they are a good price, good size, nice looking. However, I can't see buying a new car, let alone a used one. Any thoughts?
Josh and I went "olive oil tasting" today in Old Town. Basically it's wine tasting, but with olive oils, dipping sauces, and balsamic vinegars. There are a couple olive groves among the wineries here so it is a local thing. Anyway, it was neat! The one that was citrus infused made me cough and I felt like a moron, but I was REALLY into the white balsamic vinegar. Yum. They also make soups that are 45% olive oil. Nothin' better than a little olive on your skin, I always say. (okay I've never said that).
I'm working for my dad now. Now that he got the new law firm, he works in the scariest neighborhood ever. Every other house is boarded up and I literally see 12 stray dogs every day, not to mention the homeless people and gangsters. You think I'm being facitious but I'll tell you, I'm not. There is a hotel down the street that apparently was abandoned at some point, so the "citizens" took over. Every window and door is broken through, there are matresses on porches and in the parking lots, graffiti... it looks like a war zone. *cringes*. He needs to move. Like, sooner rather than later.

Alright those are my random thoughts for the night. Not too exciting but what can I say.


Sarah said...

I want to go olive oil tasting! Put that on the to do list when we come to visit.

Also, Brad was just reminiscing about your h.s. dream car: the periwinkle Ford F-150. Ha!

Dana said...

HAHAH That just made me laugh for 15 minutes straight! I love that you guys remember that. HAHA. I loved that car.... *sigh* I've come to my senses.

Anonymous said...

Olive oil tasting? Sign me up!

Mrs. Case said...

I'd always wanted to watch Intervention and then when you posted that one of the people was from ym old town, I had to watch it. I TIVO'd all repeats and new episodes (much to the dismay of my fiance) and I watched three episodes yesterday. I am now obesessed, too.